We renovated our kitchen a couple of years ago and it turns out— it the perfect space for gathering. It is full of friends, kids, dogs and endless piles of papers, jackets and shoes. I met Ted when I was 18 years old. The beginning stage of any relationship involves a lot of questions and when Ted asked me where I saw myself twenty years on, I knew the answer straight away. I saw myself behind a center island in a kitchen filled with kids and dogs. It is humbling to realize my 18 year old self knew where I was headed long before I figured it out. The first time I stood in my kitchen with dogs at my feet and the kids bouncing off the walls , I realized that girl was right.
I have had the good fortune to fall into the company of some extraordinary women who like to cook, eat and drink wine. When Julie asked me to host a cooking class for the Writer's Read Event at Stagenorth in February, I was game. It was a beautiful afternoon full of laughter and good food. I felt the ancient energy of a community prepared meal and I wanted to continue what Julie started. The best meals have a story and my friend, Gina, is a brilliant storyteller and gnocchi maker. She generously agreed to share the story of her Italian family from Pietra Colora, Italy and her recipe for potato gnocchi. We made gnocchi, tomato sauce, laughed, talked and shared a meal. It was a magical evening.
3 cups riced dry baked potatoes
1 cup white flour
2 eggs
Add up to 1 cup of flour to the riced potatoes to achieve the proper consistency. The dough should hold together enough to roll out without cracking.
Roll to 1/2 inch thick on a tablecloth or pastry cloth. Roll up to keep from drying out. Cut into squares. Roll with fingers into tubes. Put into boiling water 5 to 10 minutes or until they float. Drain and serve immediately.